Sunday, August 16, 2009

Zac's Baptism and Confirmation Day

My baby boy is officially a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He was baptized and confirmed on Friday, by Dave, who was quite emotional. It's a first for Dave to be able to baptize one of his children, and it was a precious moment. As they stood in white, together in the water, Dave tried to collect his emotions so he could recite the baptismal prayer. Zac looked up at his dad with a sweet, questioning look...I will never forget that moment. I'm so proud of my handsome little man.

Zac is taking the committment he made to Jesus Christ thru his baptism seriously...trying hard to be more reverent and quiet in church--today he was amazing! :) and to not pound on his sister as often, and today after church when Dave mentioned he had to go to a High Priests' meeting this afternoon, Zac sighed and asked "Now that I'm batptized, does that mean I have to start going to meetings now too?" He also claimed the other day, as I complimented him when Karly hit him and he chose NOT to hit her back, that the Holy Ghost reminded him not to.

I am just "seriously so blessed"...all kidding aside!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Crash. Bang. Slam. THUD! Now...everyone OK out there? Now that you have fallen off your chair in shock that MARIE the original tech-tard (aptly named by Tamara on our girls weekend) is actually posting, get back on your chair and get used to me bloggin away.

Life's a Beach (I wish)

More beach pix...taken on our vay-cay over Spring Break this April in California. (Huntington Beach) This day was amazing. Dave and I can never get enough of the ocean, and our kids are beach bums in the making as well....after the photos, Zac was soaked head to toe, and Karly (her first time to see the ocean) was literally screaming with delight every timethe ocean would "get her"...I smile and cry at the same time as I look at these images...they remind me of one of the happiest days of my life, ever.